Command line

QuPath is mostly designed to be an interactive application, and this remains the main priority.

However, a new command line was introduced in v0.2.0 and further improved in v0.3.0, which makes it possible to:

  • Launch QuPath with specific options (e.g. a logging level)

  • Run scripts headlessly

  • Convert images to OME-TIFF

  • Specify script parameters with the --args option (#676)

  • Make contents of any extensions directory available to the classloader

  • Return a non-zero exit code if an exception is thrown (#654)


The order in which command line arguments are passed can be important. See this forum post.

Viewing command line options

The general way to view the command line options is with:

QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 --help

And as of QuPath 0.6.0-rc3, the following information is returned:

Usage: QuPath [-hqrtV] [-i=<image>] [-l=<logLevel>] [-p=<project>] [COMMAND]
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --image=<image>       Launch QuPath and open the specified image.
                            This should be the image name if a project is also
                              specified, otherwise it should be the full image
  -l, --log=<logLevel>      Log level (default = INFO).
                            Options: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALL, OFF
  -p, --project=<project>   Launch QuPath and open specified project.
  -q, --quiet               Launch QuPath quietly, without setup dialogs,
                              update checks or messages.
  -r, --reset               Reset all QuPath preferences.
  -t, --tma                 Launch standalone viewer for TMA summary results.
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.
  help         Display help information about the specified command.
  script       Runs script for a given image or project.
  convert-ome  Converts an input image to OME-TIFF.

Copyright(c) The Queen's University Belfast (2014-2016)
Copyright(c) QuPath developers (2017-2022)
Copyright(c) The University of Edinburgh (2018-2022)

However, there are some platform-specific details on Windows and Mac.


On Windows, there are two executable files for QuPath. It is necessary to use “QuPath (console).exe” here to be able to view the output, e.g.

"QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 (console).exe" --help

QuPath command line options on Windows

Also, when using the PowerShell command line interface instead of Command Prompt, the QuPath executable name must be preceded with an ampersand otherwise parser errors such as ParentContainsErrorRecordException may occur. See this forum post.

& 'QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 (console).exe' --help


On macOS, the executable is buried inside the .app file and therefore you need something like:

./ --help

QuPath command line options on macOS


Some of the command line functionality is available via subcommands, such as script. Help is available for these separately.

QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 script --help
Usage: QuPath script [-hs] [-c=command] [-i=image] [-p=project]
                     [-a=arguments]... [-e=server-arguments]... [script]
Runs script for a given image or project.
By default, this will not save changes to any data files.
      [script]            Path to the script file (.groovy).
  -a, --args=arguments    Arguments to pass to the script, stored in an 'args'
                            array variable. Multiple args can be passed by
                            using --args multiple times, or by using a "[quoted,
  -c, --cmd=command       Groovy script passed as a string
  -e, --server=server-arguments
                          Arguments to pass when building an ImageServer (only
                            relevant when using --image). For example, --server
                            may be used to read the image with Bio-Formats and
                            extract the third series within the file.
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --image=image       Apply the script to the specified image.
                          This should be the image name if a project is also
                            specified, otherwise it should be the full image
  -p, --project=project   Path to a project file (.qpproj).
  -s, --save              Request that data files are updated for each image in
                            the project.


The --save option is necessary in order to save any changes made to the project image(s). See this forum post for example.

Passing arguments to scripts

QuPath v0.3.0 introduced support for passing arguments to scripts using the --args keyword. Multiple args can be passed by using the keyword multiple times, or by using a “[comma,separated,list]”.

Examples of use are:

QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 script -c "print 'hello ' + args" --args something --args here
QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 script -c "print 'hello ' + args" --args "[something,else,here]"

--server can also be used to pass arguments when constructing the ImageServer with the --image option. For example, --server "[--classname,qupath.lib.images.servers.bioformats.BioFormatsServerBuilder,--series,2]" has the effect of using Bio-Formats to read the 3rd series of an image.


In a script, the size of the args variable can be queried and returns 0 if no arguments were passed via the command line. For example, the output shown by the following command:

QuPath-0.6.0-rc3 script -c "if (args.size()==0) print 'No arguments' else print 'hello ' + args"